Yusuf Musleh

mmar - Devlog 2

This post is part of a devlog series documenting my progress building mmar, a cross-platform tunnel that exposes your localhost to the world. If you’d like to follow along from the beginning, you can find all the devlogs here.

Progress Update

Since my last devlog, there’s been quite a bit of updates. When I started off with the project, my intention was to be a scrappy, discover what I need to implement as I build and use mmar, then go back and refactor, as opposed to optimizing everything from the beginning.

This approach really helped me understand exactly why I need to implement something, rather than just building it because I heard/read about it somewhere. It’s also great seeing your code evolve.

Let’s go through the updates made, there’s a lot more code in this devlog.

Restructured Server-Client Implementation

You may remember from the previous devlog, the setup I had was that the mmar server gets requests, forwards them to the mmar client, which then gets a response from localhost and sends it back. This worked great, however there was a bunch of assumptions I was making in this implementation.

The main assumption I had was that server would only receive HTTP responses from the client and that the client would only receive HTTP requests from the server.

This quickly became an issue when I needed to handle cases other than the happy path of request —> response. For example, I wanted the server to know when the client disconnects or is shutdown. Limiting myself to this request-response assumption made it quite rigid to implement different functionalities and communications between the server and client. I found myself hacking around that, creating “responses” that represented different states, all to conform to my assumption.

This is where the need to have a more flexible/extendible protocol that allows 2-way communication between the server and client without the limitations of requests/responses. I discuss the details of the message protocol in the next section (it’s pretty basic :D), but here I will go through how I restructured the server and client to handle different types of messages being sent to each other.

First, I make a distinction between ClientTunnel (tunnel to the client) and ServerTunnel (tunnel to the server), and embed the shared fields in the structs, previously it was just Tunnel.

type Tunnel struct {
    id   string
    conn net.Conn

// Tunnel to Client
type ClientTunnel struct {
    incomingChannel chan IncomingRequest
    outgoingChannel chan TunnelMessage

// Tunnel to Server
type ServerTunnel struct {

Next, I created an interface that tunnels would implement, this allows the tunnels to handle different types messages:

type TunnelInterface interface {
    processTunnelMessages(ctx context.Context)

And moved the logic for receiving messages to the Tunnel struct:

func (t *Tunnel) receiveMessage() (TunnelMessage, error) {
    msgReader := bufio.NewReader(t.conn)

    // Read and deserialize tunnel message data
    tunnelMessage := TunnelMessage{}
    deserializeErr := tunnelMessage.deserializeMessage(msgReader)

    return tunnelMessage, deserializeErr

Making this change allowed for the decoupling of processing messages and processing requests/responses. Now there is one place (in each of the client and server) that handles reading from the TCP connection, simplifying the logic and preventing multiple goroutines stepping on each others toes reading data from the same connection.

Handling Messages on Server

On the server side when dealing with messages coming from a client, it looks like this:

func (ct *ClientTunnel) processTunnelMessages() {
    for {
        tunnelMsg, err := ct.receiveMessage()
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("Failed to receive message from client tunnel: %v", err)

        switch tunnelMsg.msgType {
        case RESPONSE:
            ct.outgoingChannel <- tunnelMsg
            // Create a response for Tunnel connected but localhost not running
            resp := TunnelErrStateResp(LOCALHOST_NOT_RUNNING)
            // Writing response to buffer to tunnel it back
            var responseBuff bytes.Buffer
            notRunningMsg := TunnelMessage{msgType: RESPONSE, msgData: responseBuff.Bytes()}
            ct.outgoingChannel <- notRunningMsg

Notice how this allows us to easily add new types of messages and logic to handle them.

Handling Messages on Client

Similarly on the client side, we also deal with different types of messages from the server:

func (st *ServerTunnel) processTunnelMessages(ctx context.Context) {
    for {
        select {
        case <-ctx.Done(): // Client gracefully shutdown
            tunnelMsg, err := st.receiveMessage()
            if err != nil {
                if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
                    log.Print("Tunnel connection closed from Server. Exiting...")
                } else if errors.Is(err, net.ErrClosed) {
                    log.Print("Tunnel connection disconnected from Server. Existing...")
                log.Fatalf("Failed to receive message from server tunnel: %v", err)

            switch tunnelMsg.msgType {
            case REQUEST:
                log.Printf("Got REQUEST TUNNEL MESSAGE\n")
                go st.handleRequestMessage(tunnelMsg)

Currently, I only handle REQUEST messages, however as you can see, it’s trivial now to handle new cases in the future as needed.

Introduced Tunnel Message Protocol

Now that we’ve seen the mechanics of how messaging is handled, let’s go through the messaging protocol itself and how messages are represented.

Currently the protocol is quite basic, it consists of 3 components: 1. Message type prefix, 2. Length of message data bytes and 3. The actual data bytes of the message. They are delimited by a new line character \n. It looks something like this:

[23 25 52 38 95 39 ...]

This represents a request message.


This represents a client disconnect message.

You get the idea. Whenever I need to introduce a new type of message either from the client or the server, I can just add it to the protocol. Here’s how the code looks like for defining the messages:

const (
    HEARTBEAT = iota + 1

var MESSAGE_MAPPING = map[int]string{
    HEARTBEAT:             "HEARTBEAT",
    REQUEST:               "REQUEST",
    RESPONSE:              "RESPONSE",

type TunnelMessage struct {
    msgType int
    msgData []byte

To serialize and deserialize the message in the format described above, I added serializer/deserializer functions to the TunnelMessage struct:

Serializing Messages

func (tm *TunnelMessage) serializeMessage() ([]byte, error) {
    serializedMsg := [][]byte{}

    // Determine message type to add prefix
    msgType := MESSAGE_MAPPING[tm.msgType]
    if msgType == "" {
        log.Fatalf("Invalid TunnelMessage type: %v:", tm.msgType)

    // Add the message type
    serializedMsg = append(serializedMsg, []byte(msgType))
    // Add message data bytes length
    serializedMsg = append(serializedMsg, []byte(strconv.Itoa(len(tm.msgData))))
    // Add the message data
    serializedMsg = append(serializedMsg, tm.msgData)

    // Combine all the data separated by new lines
    return bytes.Join(serializedMsg, []byte("\n")), nil

Deserializing Messages

func (tm *TunnelMessage) readMessageData(length int, reader *bufio.Reader) []byte {
    msgData := make([]byte, length)

    if _, err := io.ReadFull(reader, msgData); err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to read all Msg Data: %v", err)

    return msgData

func (tm *TunnelMessage) deserializeMessage(reader *bufio.Reader) error {
    msgPrefix, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
    if err != nil {
        return err

    msgLengthStr, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
    if err != nil {
        return err

    msgLength, err := strconv.Atoi(msgLengthStr[:len(msgLengthStr)-1])
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Could not parse message length: %v", msgLengthStr)

    var msgType int
    msgData := tm.readMessageData(msgLength, reader)

    switch msgPrefix {
    case "HEARTBEAT\n":
        msgType = HEARTBEAT
    case "REQUEST\n":
        msgType = REQUEST
    case "RESPONSE\n":
        msgType = RESPONSE
        msgType = CLIENT_DISCONNECT
        log.Fatalf("Invalid TunnelMessage prefix: %v", msgPrefix)

    tm.msgType = msgType
    tm.msgData = msgData

    return nil

Sending/Receiving Messages

Once we have serializing/deserializing implemented, sending/receiving messages becomes trivial:

func (t *Tunnel) sendMessage(tunnelMsg TunnelMessage) error {
    // Serialize tunnel message data
    serializedMsg, serializeErr := tunnelMsg.serializeMessage()
    if serializeErr != nil {
        return serializeErr
    _, err := t.conn.Write(serializedMsg)
    return err

func (t *Tunnel) receiveMessage() (TunnelMessage, error) {
    msgReader := bufio.NewReader(t.conn)

    // Read and deserialize tunnel message data
    tunnelMessage := TunnelMessage{}
    deserializeErr := tunnelMessage.deserializeMessage(msgReader)

    return tunnelMessage, deserializeErr

Thoughts on Optimizing

As you’ve seen, the protocol is quite simple. The message type (prefix) is represented as a string, and that string differs in length for different message types. That is an awful lot of space to just represent the type of the message, 7 bytes in the case of REQUEST.

A better approach would be to use a single byte (8-bits), which gives us the possibility to represent (28) 256 different types of values, which I’d like to assume would be more than enough to represent all the possible different types of messages in the protocol between the server and client.

The currently implementation is fine for now, however I will likely revisit it soon to optimize it.

Handled Various Actions/Edge Cases

The last thing I wanted to mention that I worked on was handling various cases that could occur in the lifecycle of mmar server or mmar client. This included scenarios like:

Basically the changes included improvements to the stability of both the server and client. In addition to making sure to shutdown unused resources (such as goroutines) if they are no longer needed, eg when a client disconnects, we no longer need the goroutine to process messages from it.


That’s it for this edition of the devlog, hope you enjoyed reading it. Now back to building, see you in the next one!